Chapter 1, Page 9
“Policymakers have long ignored the plight of boomer women approaching retirement with insufficient resources. This needs to change, and quickly.” Anna M. Rappaport, President, Anna Rappaport Consulting
In her article “Easing the Strain on Boomer Women in Retirement: Why Efforts Must Begin Now,” Anna Rappaport strongly urges U.S. policymakers to stop ignoring the plight of boomer women facing retirement with inadequate resources. In addition to identifying compelling demographics, the author analyzes the diverse socioeconomic factors underlying policy development affecting the retirement security of boomer women. To improve the financial and retirement futures of aging boomer women, she offers enlightened recommendations such as reducing barriers to phased retirement, recognizing the value and importance of employer-sponsored pension plans, maintaining the Social Security system, and providing safety nets for the increased number of boomer women who will fall into poverty.