Chapter 2, Page 19
“Boomer women are waking up to the fact that they will need more money than they thought to live comfortably in their later years, and will view work as a transition to or an integral part of their retirement.” Sandra Timmermann, Director, MetLife Mature Market Institute
Sandra Timmermann focuses her article “Tailoring the Workplace to Boomer Women” on baby boomer women and their increasing participation in the nation’s workforce. The author points out that while women have made advances, they are still far behind men when it comes to earnings and related benefits, which will negatively impact their financial futures. To counter this outcome, she recommends creative solutions to boomer women, including becoming financially literate and engaging in life options planning. For employers, the author recommends implementing phased retirement programs, establishing eldercare benefits, and leveraging human capital to address the “brain drain” caused by aging, retiring boomers.